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Women’s Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center 

Her Harbor is a pioneering women’s treatment center located in Fresno, offering a sanctuary for healing and recovery for women battling substance use and co-occurring disorders. We understand the intricate link between mental health issues and substance abuse, so we provide comprehensive care designed to address both aspects simultaneously—an approach that has been proven to be more effective than addressing them separately. If you or someone you love is seeking dual diagnosis treatment in Fresno, read on. 

What is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis refers to the condition of suffering from a mental health disorder and a substance abuse disorder concurrently. This complex condition requires a nuanced approach to treatment, as both disorders are interlinked, often influencing and exacerbating each other.

What is Trauma-Informed Care

Common Co-Occurring Disorders in Women

Women facing dual diagnosis may struggle with a range of co-occurring disorders, each presenting unique challenges:

  • Eating Disorders: Including anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder, often related to issues of control, self-esteem, and trauma.
  • Mood Disorders: Such as bipolar disorder, characterized by extreme mood swings from mania to depression.
  • Anxiety Disorders: Including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, and social anxiety, which can lead to or exacerbate substance abuse as a coping mechanism.
  • Schizophrenia/Schizoaffective Disorder: Complex mental health conditions affecting a person’s ability to think clearly, manage emotions, make decisions, and relate to others.
  • Depression: A pervasive mood disorder that affects how one feels, thinks, and handles daily activities.
  • Substance Abuse Disorders: The compulsive use of substances despite harmful consequences.
  • PTSD: Post-traumatic stress disorder, often resulting from traumatic experiences, can lead to substance abuse as a form of self-medication.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Services Offered

Her Harbor Recovery offers a supportive, compassionate environment paired with effective, evidence-based modalities. Here, our clients are family, and we help each and every woman lay the foundation for lasting recovery. We specialize in a range of dual diagnosis treatment services, including individual and group therapy, medication management, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), trauma-informed care, and holistic therapies such as yoga and meditation. These services are tailored to address the complexities of each woman’s diagnosis, ensuring a personalized approach to recovery. 

What to Expect During Treatment

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Women?

A women-only dual diagnosis treatment center, like Her Harbor, provides a safe and understanding environment exclusively for women. This specialized setting allows for focused treatment on the unique psychological, biological, and social factors affecting women with co-occurring disorders, distinct from co-ed treatment centers.

Our dual diagnosis treatment for women addresses gender-specific issues, such as trauma related to physical or sexual abuse, societal pressures, and the unique challenges of balancing caregiving responsibilities, which can influence both mental health and substance use. Additionally, our treatment emphasizes creating a safe, nurturing environment that fosters open communication and support among peers, recognizing the importance of addressing emotional and relational aspects of recovery.

Personalized Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders

Why do people with co-occurring disorders need personalized treatment? Because the interplay between mental health issues and substance use disorders is complex and unique to each individual. Co-occurring disorders can influence and exacerbate each other, meaning a one-size-fits-all approach is often ineffective. Our personalized treatment plans can:

Address Individual Needs: Each person’s history, symptoms, and challenges are distinct. Personalized treatment takes into account the specific mental health disorders present, the substances used, and personal circumstances, creating a tailored approach that is more likely to be effective.

Ensure Comprehensive Care: Co-occurring disorders involve both mental health and substance use issues, which can require different therapeutic approaches and interventions. Personalized treatment ensures that both aspects are treated simultaneously, avoiding potential conflicts in treatment strategies and promoting a more holistic recovery.

Adjust to Changing Needs: As individuals progress through treatment, their needs can change. Personalized treatment plans are flexible and can be adjusted based on ongoing assessment and feedback, ensuring the approach remains effective throughout the recovery journey.

Increase Engagement: When treatment is personalized, individuals are more likely to feel understood and supported, increasing their engagement with the treatment process. This can lead to better adherence to treatment plans and improved outcomes.

Optimize Resource Use: Personalized treatment plans can more efficiently use resources by focusing on the specific interventions and supports that an individual needs, avoiding unnecessary or less effective treatments.

Overall, personalized treatment acknowledges the complexity of co-occurring disorders and offers the nuanced care required to address the intertwined issues of substance use and mental health, leading to better recovery outcomes.

How to Recognize the Signs of Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-occurring disorders involve a combination of mental health issues and substance abuse concerns that can manifest through behavioral and psychological symptoms like:

  • Guilt: Often seen in those struggling with depression or anxiety alongside substance abuse, guilt can manifest as a pervasive feeling of remorse or regret about actions taken while under the influence or about the impact of one’s behavior on others.
  • Insomnia: Difficulty falling or staying asleep can be a symptom of anxiety disorders, depression, or withdrawal from substances. Insomnia not only aggravates mental health conditions but can also lead to increased substance use as individuals may turn to alcohol or drugs in an attempt to self-medicate.
  • Relapses: Individuals with co-occurring disorders may experience relapses into substance use as a coping mechanism for untreated or inadequately managed mental health symptoms, indicating the need for an integrated treatment approach.
  • Social Isolation: Withdrawing from social interactions and activities can be a sign of various mental health disorders, such as major depressive disorder or social anxiety, and is often exacerbated by substance abuse, which can further isolate the individual.
  • Abusing Substances: The use of substances to cope with symptoms of a mental health disorder is a hallmark of co-occurring disorders. Substance abuse can also contribute to the development or worsening of mental health conditions, creating a cyclical pattern of dependency and psychological distress.
  • Mood Swings: Extreme or rapid changes in mood can indicate bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, or can be a result of substance abuse. Mood swings disrupt daily functioning and relationships, often leading to increased substance use in an attempt to regulate emotions.
  • Loss of Interest in Previously Enjoyed Activities: A key symptom of depression, this can also occur in individuals with other mental health disorders who are using substances. It reflects a significant change in mood and enjoyment, often leading to social withdrawal and isolation.
  • Changes to Appetite: Significant changes in eating patterns or appetite can be associated with depression, anxiety disorders, and substance use disorders. These changes can lead to weight loss or gain and can affect an individual’s overall health.

Recognizing these signs in yourself or a loved one can be the first step toward seeking help. Co-occurring disorders require a comprehensive, integrated treatment approach to address both the mental health and substance use aspects, ensuring the best possible outcome for recovery.

Learn More About Women’s Dual Diagnosis

At Her Harbor Recovery, we are dedicated to providing the comprehensive care and support necessary for women facing the challenges of dual diagnosis. If you or a loved one are struggling with co-occurring disorders, we invite you to reach out to learn more about our women’s dual diagnosis treatment program. Our team of professionals is here to guide you through each step of the recovery process, offering the tools and support needed for healing and empowerment. Contact Her Harbor Recovery today to start your journey toward recovery and wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dual Diagnosis

The most common dual diagnosis in women typically involves mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, coupled with substance abuse disorders. This combination is particularly prevalent due to various factors, including attempts to self-medicate mental health symptoms with drugs or alcohol.

Common medications used to treat dual diagnosis include antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics, alongside medications specifically aimed at managing substance abuse, such as methadone for opioid addiction or naltrexone for alcohol dependence. The exact medication regimen is personalized based on the individual’s specific conditions and needs.

The best way to treat dual diagnosis is through an integrated approach that addresses both the mental health disorder and the substance abuse issue simultaneously. This often involves a combination of medication management, psychotherapy, support groups, and lifestyle changes, ensuring comprehensive care for all aspects of the individual’s health.

Dual diagnosis is significantly common in women, with research indicating that women with mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety, are at a higher risk of developing substance abuse issues compared to women without these mental health conditions. The exact prevalence varies depending on the populations studied and the diagnostic criteria used.

Risk factors for dual diagnosis in women include a history of trauma or abuse, genetic predisposition to mental health disorders and substance abuse, chronic stress, social isolation, and the presence of other mental health disorders. Socioeconomic factors and access to healthcare also play crucial roles.

Dual diagnosis is diagnosed through a comprehensive assessment that includes a detailed medical and psychiatric history, physical examination, and often the use of standardized screening tools for both substance abuse and mental health disorders. Diagnosis requires the expertise of a healthcare professional trained in recognizing the complexities of co-occurring disorders.

Treatment options for dual diagnosis include inpatient or outpatient treatment programs that offer an integrated approach to care, psychotherapy (such as cognitive-behavioral therapy), medication management, peer support groups, and holistic therapies. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the dual diagnosis and the individual’s specific needs.

Challenges in treating dual diagnosis include the complexity of managing two disorders simultaneously, the potential for medications to interact, difficulty in engaging and retaining individuals in treatment, and the need for highly coordinated care among different healthcare providers. Stigma and lack of integrated treatment programs can also pose significant barriers.

The prognosis for individuals with dual diagnosis varies but can be positive with appropriate, integrated treatment that addresses both disorders. Factors influencing the prognosis include the severity of the disorders, the individual’s commitment to recovery, and the quality and continuity of care received. Early intervention and comprehensive treatment plans significantly improve outcomes.

Yes, women with dual diagnosis can live in sober living environments while attending outpatient treatment. These environments often provide the structured support and community needed to manage both substance use and mental health issues effectively, promoting ongoing recovery and stability.